On this Sunday we experienced God in worship and creation. In the morning, at 11 am we attended the Hope Methodist Church, right across the street from Henderson Settlement. Afterward, they provided us with a very delicious potluck lunch. mmmmmmmm.......
We then decided to climb the mountain behind the Settlement. This involved a steep climb at the beginning, making me realize how out of shape I am. Then we followed a ridge for awhile, before heading down the backside of the mountain. This proved very interesting, with a small tunnel to go through, as well as discovering a salamander, a vine that Greg climbed and a turtle shell.
After supper, Jerry, the work site coordinator, gave a humorous introduction to the place and the week to come, followed by a brief devotion by the Chaplain. We then had our own group devotion time. By this time it was 9 pm and we had own our personal down time.
(Oh yes, as for the night's sleep, it wasn't bad, but not quite like home.)
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