Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Work Start

The arrival of Monday meant we could begin our work projects. Before I describe the two major projects we'll be working on, let me share what will be a typical day. By 7 am everyone from all groups are expected to come together for opening devotions. Breakfast follows at 7:30 am. Then it's off to the various work sites. We come back for lunch at 11:30 and head out again for the afternoon. We end by 4:30 pm, with supper at 5:00 pm. At 7 pm, there is a presentation of some sort, lasting up to an hour. (Today it was a film on the history of the Henderson Settlement.) Then it's free time, except for group devotions. Free time involves games, gym activities, and limited time on the computer. Curfew is at 10:30, with lights out at 11 pm.

We are two main projects. One group is building two closets in a home. I was with that group today. So far, we framed one closet, after cleaning the areas where they will be built. I discovered that I'm not so good at the power drill. I'll leave that for Andrew to do.

Another group is repairing a kitchen--putting up drywall (ceiling and walls) and all what follows after that. Try doing that while the couple is still using the kitchen. Gerald ensured the (loaded) guns were placed in a safe place, before the youth went to work.

Since we'll be working on these projects throughout the week, I'll try to provide more details in future posts. In terms of the weather, it was a very wet day. But at least it didn't feel cold.

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