Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday worship and dipping in Ceremony

After breakfast, we had a short devotional, followed by a very short safety course. We had to manoeuvre around a rock, go through some pillions, take a turn, pick up speed and then do an emergency stop. This was not a pass/fail test, but was intended to help develop some of our skills. It did not take long.

At 2pm, we had a worship service, which included greetings from the three sponsoring organizations, reflections from Claire Elgersma from her previous rides, as well as a message from a local CRC pastor. A praise team helped lead the songs. While there were visitors, the bulk of the people were c2c people.

Afterwards, we all drove together as one group to the beach. While we did not have a police escort, we did have motorcycles, guiding us through, as we continued to go though lights even if they turned   red. It took a good half hour to the beach. There we dipped out tires in the water, took pictures, and had a circle prayer, ending by singing the doxology.

Most headed to the pier area for supper and then it was a ride back to the university, getting there just before 7pm. At that time we had a group meeting that explained tomorrow's ride.

And so the ride is about to begin. In this short time, I have met lots of interesting people. It's amazing how community is quickly built up. I am eager to get going, though there are still butterflies in my stomach. Tomorrow's should be the easiest all week, so that is a nice start.

The WiFi access here has been excellent so I have been able to keep the blog and the picture website constantly updated. I can't guarantee that will continue.

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